Monday, February 16, 2015

The first EA Stack?

Source: Wikipedia

According to Wikipedia, NIST developed this model in 1989.  While it is the most basic pyramid model it very much resembles other stacks I have found in my research.  The model also lists how each layer in the stack affects the layer below it.

  • Business Architecture drives the information architecture
  • Information architecture prescribes the information systems architecture
  • Information systems architecture identifies the data architecture
  • Data Architecture suggests specific data delivery systems, and
  • Data Delivery Systems (Software, Hardware, Communications) support the data architecture.
Interesting to note that even in 1989 there was someone separating out Information architecture from Data architecture and they even put some separation between the layers by adding the IS layer in-between them.

While this model does not include a security layer, the article does not that others that have based their models on this NIST model have added security as an over-arching layer that should be taken into account.

It is very interesting to see how even 26 years ago the same layers basically still hold true with respect to EA.

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