Sunday, March 29, 2015

Business Architecture Modeling

Source: Enterprise

This article provides an excellent overview of developing models that describe the business architecture layer of Enterprise Architecture.

I like the fact that the author breaks the models down into three main categories.

- Define business objective
- Define business principles
- Define business domains (business units)
- Define business capabilities (what the business does or wants to do)

- Define business role (individual and group roles)
- Define business processes (based on roles above)
- Define site categories (locations where these processes happen)

- Actor (actual person performing role)
- Site (actual names of locations)
- Physical process (Process flows)

The article then discusses developing the value chain.  The value chain happens at the conceptual layer and describes the key chain of capabilities that are performed in the organization,

The author of this article does a very good job in breaking down the pieces and parts needed to define the business architecture.  Looking at it with increased granularity should help an Architect define the business landscape in an organization.

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